英 [kən'tem(p)t]美[kən'tɛmpt]
- n. 轻视,蔑视;耻辱
- She looked at him with contempt .
- 她轻蔑地看着他。
- I shall treat that suggestion with the contempt it deserves.
- 我对那项建议当然会不屑一顾。
- His treatment of his children is beneath contempt (= so unacceptable that it is not even worth feeling contempt for) .
- 他对待自己子女的那种行径为人所不齿。
- Politicians seem to be generally held in contempt by ordinary people.
- 一般百姓似乎普遍看不起从政者。
- They had shown a contempt for the values she thought important.
- 他们对她所认为重要的价值表示蔑视。
- The firefighters showed a contempt for their own safety.
- 那些消防队员已把他们自己的安全置之度外。
- His remarks betray a staggering contempt for the truth (= are completely false) .
- 他的话表明他完全无视事情的真相。
- He could be jailed for two years for contempt.
- 他由于藐视法庭可能被监禁两年。
- She was held in contempt for refusing to testify.
- 她因拒绝作证而被判藐视法庭罪。
- Small wonder that many voters hold their politicians in contempt.
- 无怪乎很多选民看不起他们的政治家。
- Mr. Kelly was sentenced to six months in prison for contempt.
- 凯利先生因藐视法庭被判6个月监禁。
- I hope voters will treat his advice with the contempt it deserves.
- 我希望选民们给予其建议应有的鄙视。
- He has contempt for those beyond his immediate family circle...
- 他鄙视直系亲属圈子以外的人。
- Her contempt for foreigners was obvious.
- 她对外国人的蔑视显而易见.
- We feel contempt for a liar.
- 我们蔑视说慌的人.
- We use to exchange produce for industrial products.
- 我们曾经用农产品换购工业产品.
- She lives in contempt.
- 她在屈辱中生活.
- He refused to answer in contempt of the rules of the court.
- 他藐视法院规章,拒绝回答.
- Ah Q had always had the greatest contempt for such people as little nuns.
- 小尼姑之流是阿Q本来视如草芥的.
- He lounged in an armchair in a stance of deliberate contempt.
- 他懒洋洋地躺在扶手椅里,故意摆出一种轻蔑的架势.
- They held the imperialism in contempt.
- 他们鄙视帝国主义.
- I hold those fools in utter contempt.
- 我根本瞧不起那些蠢货.
- He was cited for contempt of court.
- 他因藐视法庭受到传讯.
- He rushed forward in contempt of danger.
- 他不顾危险冲向前去.
- They have a great contempt for conventionality.
- 他们非常鄙视因袭.
- Such behavior will bring you into contempt.
- 这样的行为会使你丢人现眼.
- She looked at him with immediate and undisguised contempt.
- 她用毫不掩饰的轻蔑眼光看着他.
- The lazybones are always held in contempt.
- 懒汉总叫人看不起.
- The scandal is damning evidence of the government's contempt for democracy.
- 这宗丑闻是该政府蔑视民主的不可逃避的罪证.
- He who swallows food handed out in contempt will have a bellyache.
- 嗟来之食,吃下去肚子要痛的.